My name is Sean Earley and this website is my little piece of selfish, artistic, self-indulgence. Basically, It serves as an escape from all the other things I do.

My work is a mix of traditional vintage pinup, scifi/fantasy and street art. I get my inspiration from the classic pinup masters such as Vargas, Petty and Elvgrin, as well as Mexican Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos), vintage pulp magazines, erotic, alt/fetish, fantasy and surrealist art, old Playboys, modern pop and graffiti art, Saturday morning cartoons, comic books and breakfast cereal boxes.

I work primarily in digital, creating the basic figures in 3D with a program called DazStudio then painting them in Photoshop. I am an Apple and PC user, so I bounce around in my work process.

Where it all started…

I’ve been inspired by pin-up and fantasy art ever since I took my first sneak peak at a Playboy when I was young. I remember sitting with a classmate in ninth grade history class, spending the whole period drawing Elvira Misteress of the Dark and other busty Heavy Metal rocker chicks with swords on the desks with our #2 pencils. The teacher was cool and would let us do it as long as we agreed to clean the desk afterwards. His reasoning was that at least we were listening and doing something creative with our time besides skipping class and hanging out in the smoking section, which was pretty much true.

The movie Heavy Metal was one of my greatest inspirations and learning to draw a good Taarna was pretty much the crown jewel of rocker desk art godliness and respect. Another great inspiration at that time was the work of Patrick Nagel. It was the 80’s after all and his art was everywhere and I remember looking at his posters thinking, “Man, I wanna do that!”

I spent my younger years working as a professional musician, but in 1999, I decided to switch gears in favor of a better paying career. I taught myself to design by checking out a box of VCR tapes from the library on Photoshop and a couple weeks later, launched my own design business.

Naturally, digital art, primarily 3D art, became a focus and I slowly build up a portfolio. After posting my work online, the response has been amazing and I have since started to make my art a major focus.

In 2012, I was invited to be featured in the book “The Contemporary Illustrated Pin-Up” by Schiffer Publishing. Since then, I added the official title of pin-up artist to my long list of other titles. The result, this website.


I don’t do too many commissions, as I am pretty selective, however, I am always open for new projects, especially print, so if you have something interesting going on that you think my work would compliment, feel free to get in touch.
For more information on Commissions: Click Here

DazStudio Products Creators

I LOVE trying out new DazStudio products and models, (and I love free stuff!) so if you are a DazStudio product creator and have some cool stuff you want me to try out and feature in my next piece, I would love to check out your stuff and offer up an endorsement.

Promotional Opportunities

I am always open to building relations with other companies regarding partnerships or promotional opportunities, so if you have something cool, feel free to get in touch.

Join the Mailing List!

I would encourage you to Sign Up to My Mailing List via the sidebar, to get all the latest news, updates and special offers. I am also really active on social media, so I would love it if you follow me on all the social channels.

Contact Me

Feel free to pop in, leave a comment and just say hello, especially if you are a Daz user, or you can also get in touch with me via the contact page.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my art as much as I love creating it.


PS. I don’t smoke anymore. I just like the pic. 😉